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How do they work?

Enrichers can add extra data to a data holder. Supported data holders are:

  • Project
  • File
  • Class_
  • Trait_
  • Interface_
  • Constant
  • Property
  • Method
  • Function_
  • Argument

Enrichers come with a 3 phase process:

1. Create

Before dog parses all project files each enricher is initialized by calling create(string $id, ConfigurationInterface $config) to set its id and the current dog configuration.

2. Prepare

After initializing all enrichers prepare() is called for each enricher.

In this phase enricher should validate its configuration, then gather and prepare data that is later on needed to enrich data holders. Typical preparation tasks are reading and parsing files from processes that have run before dog.

3: Enrich

After dog did build the Project each enricher then visits all Project related data holders.

In this phase enricher can add data be calling setData(string $id, $value) on the data holder. Using the enricher id here is best practise.


All enricher first visit the project and then the elements.

Access Data in Templates

Enriched data can be accessed be calling getData(string $id) on Project or Element items - eg for the PHPLOCEnricher with id phploc:

{% for key, value in'phploc') %}
{{ '- '~key }}{{ ' = '~value }}
{% endfor %}

Bundled Enricher


Reads and parses test coverage clover xml file generated by tools like phpunit and codeception.

Added data:

  • Project: object of \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\Clover\ProjectMetrics
  • Class: object of \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\Clover\ClassMetrics
  • Trait: object of \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\Clover\ClassMetrics
  • Method: object of \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\Clover\MethodMetrics

You have to run your tests with coverage upfront - eg.:

vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=clover.xml

Configure like:

    class: \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\Clover\CloverEnricher
    file: clover.xml


Reads and parses the json output file generated by phploc.

Data added:

  • Project: json decoded result

You have to run phploc upfront - eg. like:

php phploc.phar --log-json=phploc.json src

Configure like:

    class: \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\PHPLOC\PHPLOCEnricher
    file: phploc.json


Collects a list of extending classes for each class and a list of extending interfaces for each interface.

Data added:

  • Interface_: array of Interface_ objects
  • Class_: array of Class_ objects

Configure like:

    class: \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\ExtendedBy\ExtendedByEnricher


Collects a list of implementing classes for each interface.

Data added:

  • Interface_: array of Class_ objects

Configure like:

    class: \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\ImplementedBy\ImplementedByEnricher


Collects a list of using classes and traits for each trait.

Data added:

  • Trait_: array of Class_ and Trait objects `` Configure like:
    class: \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\UsedBy\UsedByEnricher

Custom enricher

  • A Enricher must implement Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\EnricherInterface
  • Best practise: enricher extends the abstract class Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\Enricher
  • Data holders must implement Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\DataAwareInterface
  • Best practise: use its enricher id to add extra data to data holders
  • Extra data can be scalar values or objects